Explore "package discounts" that may reduce your rates if you insure your home and cars with the same company.
Install dead bolt locks on all exterior doors. This will deter break-ins -- a worthy goal in itself-- and often will qualify you for a premium discount.
Install smoke alarms in your house. Since fire losses are one of the most expensive types of claims for insurers, most insurers will add a discount if you have smoke alarms and smoke detectors in your home.
Consider getting a Wind Mitigation Inspection. This assesses the preparedness of your home in resisting the effects of windstorm damage or loss. It’s optional but it can save you money – it’s the only inspection that is almost guaranteed to result in some level of insurance discount on your insurance premium.
Install a home security system, including fire, water, and burglar alarms. Insurance companies encourage their policyholders to adopt these measures and may offer a premium discount for having some sort of home security system in place.
Raise your deductible. If you can comfortably handle a larger deductible, you can save yourself significant premium costs over the years.
You may qualify for special discounts if you are over 50 years old, live in a gated community, etc. We will help you receive all appropriate reduced rates.
Be sure to review your policy annually. It is especially important to contact us if you are planning an addition or an extensive remodeling project on your home.